100'lü NOT | HARF | SAYI |
90-100 | AA | 4.00 |
80-89 | BA | 3.50 |
70-79 | BB | 3.00 |
60-69 | CB | 2.50 |
53-59 | CC | 2.00 |
48-52 | DC | 1.50 |
40-47 | DD | 1.00 |
30-39 | FD | 0.50 |
0-29 | FF | 0.00 |
DEVAMSIZ | F0 | 0.00 |
21 Kasım 2014 Cuma
20 Şubat 2014 Perşembe
MDB 1032 İleri İngilizce II 15 Haftalık Program
1 | February 17-21 | Introduction to the course |
2 | February 24-28 | Chapter 6 Reading 1: Male and Female: What’s the difference? (pp. 145-154) |
3 | March 3-7 | Chapter 8 Reading 1: Do Animals Have Rights? (pp.205-212) |
4 | March 10-14 | Writing Input: The Argument Essay (pp. 220-226) |
5 | March 17-21 | In-class writing: Argument Essay introductory paragraph with thesis statement |
6 | March 24-28 | Chapter 8 Reading 2: The Clone Factory (pp. 213-219) |
7 | March 31-April 4 | In-Class Writing: Introductory paragraph and 3 topic sentences Revision for Midterm |
8 | April 7-11 | MIDTERM 1 |
9 | April 14-18 | Chapter 7 Reading 1: What’s Really On Your Dinner Plate (pp.174-184) |
10 | April 21-25 Apr 23 Wed , National Sovereignty and Children's Day | In-Class Writing: 3 Body paragraphs and a conclusion |
11 | April 28-May 2 May 1 Thursday, Labor Day | Chapter 4 Reading 2: Inspired to Serve (pp.101-107) |
12 | May 5-9 | In-class writing: 3 Body Paragraphs and a conclusion Revision for Midterm |
13 | May 12-16 | MIDTERM 2 |
14 | May 19-23 May 19 Mon, Commemoration of Ataturk, Youth&Sports Day | In- class writing: A full argument essay |
15 | May 26-30 | In- class writing: A full argument essay Revision for the Final Exam |
31 Ocak 2014 Cuma
4 years old
We follow a few routines every day in our class, and the children are the ones who make questions and give the answers.
First thing we do when we go to our classroom is knocking on the door and asking:
Can I come in?
(Cookie is inside and we cannot go in until he is ready for us).
Then we greet each other by singing "Hello, Hello, How are you?" (ask your children to sing it, they know it by heart!).
After that, we say the DATE:
We've got a song or a chant for everything, and so, first we say the "Days of the Week chant", followed by the ordinal numbers and by the Months chant.
After the date, we follow with the weather. The structure we use is "What's the weather like today?". We use a song that we made up, but you can also practice it with the one below:
We have two friends in our classroom. Their names are Harry and Jenny, and we have to get them dressed every day. As we are in winter, we use socks, trainers, shoes, boots, wellington boots, trousers, t-shirt, jacket, jumper, scarf, gloves, hat, dress and tights. We don't use any song here but I leave some links where children can practice the clothes vocabulary. The structure we are using at the moment is "Harry, put your socks on":
Colours is other of the topics we work and children just love this song
We also work very often on the body parts, but once again, we just made up our own chant that goes like this:
My head, my head,
Your head, your head,
His head, his head,
Her head, her head
We follow the same pattern with shoulders, elbow, wrist, fingers, thumbs, hands, arms, tummy, belly button, bottom, legs, knees, ankles, feet and toes.
We also play with shapes, and though we use the shape songs from SuperSimple Songs, there is no video for it, so I just give you other links where you can practice:
Family is other of our topics, and besides telling stories with all the members of the family, we also like to sing a song whenever it rains:
We are working with dad, mum, brother, sister, baby, granny, grandad, aunt and uncle. You can also try the song below:
We also work with feelings (happy, sad, angry, excited, scared, sleepy).
And of course, we know the Farm animals
Last week we just started with FOOD. Up to now, we are practising questions like "Are you hungry? Yes, I am" and some expressions such as "I'd like to eat ...", with words such as apple, pear, banana, grapes, strawberries, lemon, watermelon, French fries, spaguetti, ice-cream. Next week, we'll introduce cereals, milk, toast, biscuits, orange juice, jam and butter, breakfast, ... You can find here two songs and a very good story children love.
First thing we do when we go to our classroom is knocking on the door and asking:
Can I come in?
(Cookie is inside and we cannot go in until he is ready for us).
Then we greet each other by singing "Hello, Hello, How are you?" (ask your children to sing it, they know it by heart!).
After that, we say the DATE:
We've got a song or a chant for everything, and so, first we say the "Days of the Week chant", followed by the ordinal numbers and by the Months chant.
After the date, we follow with the weather. The structure we use is "What's the weather like today?". We use a song that we made up, but you can also practice it with the one below:
We have two friends in our classroom. Their names are Harry and Jenny, and we have to get them dressed every day. As we are in winter, we use socks, trainers, shoes, boots, wellington boots, trousers, t-shirt, jacket, jumper, scarf, gloves, hat, dress and tights. We don't use any song here but I leave some links where children can practice the clothes vocabulary. The structure we are using at the moment is "Harry, put your socks on":
Though we already know the numbers up to twenty, we have to keep practising them and though we do it without any song, here you've got one so you can practice. Of course, there are plenty of other songs on the web:
We also work very often on the body parts, but once again, we just made up our own chant that goes like this:
My head, my head,
Your head, your head,
His head, his head,
Her head, her head
We follow the same pattern with shoulders, elbow, wrist, fingers, thumbs, hands, arms, tummy, belly button, bottom, legs, knees, ankles, feet and toes.
We also play with shapes, and though we use the shape songs from SuperSimple Songs, there is no video for it, so I just give you other links where you can practice:
Family is other of our topics, and besides telling stories with all the members of the family, we also like to sing a song whenever it rains:
We are working with dad, mum, brother, sister, baby, granny, grandad, aunt and uncle. You can also try the song below:
We also work with feelings (happy, sad, angry, excited, scared, sleepy).
And of course, we know the Farm animals
In a month or so, we'll start reviewing and learning other animals, like those in the jungle or in the ocean.

When we read The Three Bears and Goldilocks we also practised the parts of the house (kitchen, living-room, bedroom, bathroom, door, window), but we'll come back to them.
We also practice in our routines the prepositions on, under, in front of me, behind, in. Though we don't use it in our class, you can try this video.
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